GP-B Talks & Poster Presentations at the April APS Meeting
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GP-B had a strong presence at the American Physical Society (APS) meeting in Jacksonville, Florida, on 14-17 April 2007. During this meeting, we emphasized three main themes:
Four members of the GP-B team gave invited talks, beginning on Saturday morning, April 14th, with GP-B Principal Investigator, Francis Everitt's plenary talk entitled First Results from Gravity Probe B.

On Saturday afternoon, two papers related to GP-B were delivered in Session C12: Experimental Tests of Gravity.
- C12.00004: Lessons Learned from Gravity Probe B for STEP, LISA and other experiments by GP-B team members Paul Worden and Sasha Buchman
- C12.00005: Proper Motion of the GP-B Guide Star by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics GP-B guide star tracking team: Irwin Shapiro, Daniel Lebach, Michael Ratner, Norbert Bartel, Ryan Ransom, Michael Bietenholz, Jerusha Lederman, and Jean-Francois Lestrade
On Sunday morning, April 15th, three members of the GP-B team were invited to give special talks on three aspects of the GP-B program:
- H7.00001: The Gravity Probe B Science Instrument by GP-B Co-Principal Investigator, John Turneaure
- H7.00002: The Development Challenges of Gravity Probe-B—an ongoing partnership between Physics and Engineering by GP-B Co-Prinipal Investigator, Bradford Parkinson
- H7.00003: Gravity Probe B Data Analysis Challenges, Insights, and Results by GP-B Co-Investigator and Chief Scientist, George (Mac) Keiser

View Presentation Slides and Listen to the Talks
To view an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the presentation slides and listen to an MP3 audio file of a talk, follow these three steps:
- Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac) on the title of a talk in the left column of the table below and choose the option to download and save a copy of the PDF presentation file to your hard drive. Likewise, download and save a copy of the corresponding audio file from the right column of the table.
- Open the PDF presentation file in Adobe Reader, and open the audio file in a media player (e.g. Windows Media Player or Apple QuickTime player).
- Arrange the Adobe Reader window and media player windows side-by-side on your screen, start the audio file playing, and manually page through the PDF file as you listen to the talk.
Adobe Acrobat PDF Presentation Files |
MP3 Audio Files |
First Results from Gravity Probe B Plenary talk by GP-B Principal Investigator, Francis Everit |
Everitt talk MP3 Audio |
Lessons Learned from Gravity Probe B for STEP, LISA and other Experiments Talk by GP-B Research Scientist, Paul Worden |
Worden talk MP3 Audio |
Proper Motion of the GP-B Guide Star Talk by Irwin Shapiro, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Shapiro talk MP3 Audio |
The Gravity Probe B Science Instrument Talk by GP-B Co-Principal Investigator, John Turneaure |
Turneaure talk MP3 Audio |
The Development Challenges of Gravity Probe-B—an Ongoing Partnership Between Physics and Engineering Talk by GP-B Co-Princiipal Investigator, Brad Parkinson |
Parkinson talk MP3 Audio |
Gravity Probe B Data Analysis Challenges, Insights, and Results Talk by GP-B Chief Scientist, Mac Keiser |
Keiser talk MP3 Audio |
GP-B Poster Sessions
In addition to the talks described above, on Sunday afternoon, April 15th, a large part of the GP-B team and associated scientists and engineers presented 22 poster sessions on a host of scientific and technology topics, as listed below.

Click on any of the titles below to view or download the associated poster.
Session L1: Poster Session II L1.00011: GRAVITATION
- L1.00012: "Radio Imaging of the Gravity Probe B Guide Star IM Pegasi" by Michael Bietenholz, Ryan Ransom, Norbert Bartel, Daniel Lebach, Michael Ratner, Irwin Shapiro, Jean-Francois Lestrade
- L1.00013: "The 'Core' of the Quasar 3C454.3 as the Extragalactic Reference for the Proper Motion of the Gravity Probe B Guide Star" by Norbert Bartel, Ryan Ransom, Michael Bietenholz, Jerusha Lederman, Daniel Lebach, Michael Ratner, Irwin Shapiro, Leonid Petrov
- L1.00014: "Performance of the Gravity Probe B Inertial Reference Telescope" by Suwen Wang, John Goebel, John Lipa John Turneaure
- L1.00015: "Gravity Probe B Timing System and Roll Phase Determination" by Jie Li , Jeffery Kolodziejczak
- L1.00016: "The Gravity Probe B SQUID Readout Detector" by Barry Muhlfelder, Bruce Clarke, Gregory Gutt, James Lockhart, Ming Luo
- L1.00017: "SQUID Control, Temperature Regulation, and Signal Processing Electronics for Gravity Probe B" by James Lockhart, Barry Muhlfelder, Jie Li, Bruce Clarke, Terry McGinnis, Peter Boretsky, Gregory Gutt
- L1.00018: "Gravity Probe B Science Instrument Assembly (SIA)" by Saps Buchman, Barry Muhlfelder, John Turneaure
- L1.00019: "Polhode Motion of the Gravity Probe-B Gyroscopes" by Michael Dolphin, Alex Silbergleit, Michael Salomon, Paul Worden, Daniel DeBra
- L1.00020: "Evidence for Patch Effect Forces on the Gravity Probe B Gyroscopes" by Dale Gill, Saps Buchman
- L1.00021: "Gravity Probe B Orbit Determination" by Paul Shestople , Huntington Small
- L1.00022: "Simulator Technology of the Gravity Probe-B Mission" by David Hipkins , Robert Brumley , Yoshimi Ohshima , Thomas Holmes
- L1.00023: "Achievement of the Magnetic Environment Requirements for Gravity Probe B" by John Mester, James Lockhart, Michael Taber
- L1.00024: "The Gravity Probe B Gyroscopes" by Saps Buchman, Bruce Clarke, Mac Keiser, Ping Zhou, Dale Gill, Frane Marcelja, Robert Brumley
- L1.00025: "Gravity Probe B Gyroscope Electrostatic Suspension System (GSS)" by William Bencze, David Hipkins, Tom Holmes, Sasha Buchman, Robert Brumley
- L1.00026: "The Gravity Probe B Relativity Mission (GP-B)" by C.W. Francis Everitt
- L1.00027: "Gravity Probe B Experiment Error" by Barry Muhlfelder, G. Mac Keiser, John Turneaure
- L1.00028: "Gravity Probe B Science Data Analysis: Filtering Strategy" by Michael Heifetz, Thomas Holmes, David Hipkins, Alex Silbergleit, Vladimir Solomonik
- L1.00029: "Performance of the Gravity Probe B Cryogenic Sub-System" by Michael Taber, David Murray
- L1.00030: "The Gravity Probe B Drag-free and Attitude Control System" by Michael Adams, Daniel DeBra
- L1.00031: "Features of the Gravity Probe B Space Vehicle" by William Reeve, Gaylord Green
- L1.00032: "Classical Torques on Gravity Probe B Gyroscopes" by Alex Silbergleit, G. Mac Keiser, Yoshimi Ohshima
- L1.00033: "Trapped Flux Mapping for the Gravity Probe B Gyroscopes" by Michael Salomon, John Conklin, Michael Dolphin, G. Mac Keiser, Alex Silbergleit, Paul Worden