Program Information

The Program Information page contains a collection of GP-B information and program documents, frequently asked questions (FAQ), a GP-B time line, a PDF GP-B spacecraft paper model kit, a GP-B glossary, links to related Web, GP-B program contact information and information about the team.
Go to Program Information.
Press & Media

The Press & Media page contains information for the press and media, including an electronic press kit and links to downloadable images. This section also contains links to selected newspaper and magazine stories about GP-B, as well as audio and video clips from radio and TV news stories.
Go to Press & Media.

The Education page contains an overview of Education & Public Outreach activities, plus downloadable PDF copies of our 52-page Educator's Guide (grades 9-12), our Spacetime Triptych (3-panel) Poster, 8x10" lithograph card set, educator's PowerPoint presentation, and a scaled paper model of the GP-B spacecraft.
Go to Education.
Image Galleries

The Image Galleries display sets of photos, drawings, and artwork that cover all aspects of the GP-B experiment, from development through launch and mission operations. All of the images are captioned, and a full-resolution version of any selected image may be downloaded for printing.
Go to Image Galleries.
Media Gallery

The Media Gallery contains movies & video clips, animations & simulations and audio files. The video and animation files are encoded in Adobe Flash Video (.flv) format for Web display. (Downloadable MPEG4 versions of some video files are also available.) The downloadable audio files are MP3 fomat.
Go to Media Gallery.

The Papers page contains PDF files of more than 100 scientific papers that have been published about various aspects of GP-B over the past 45 years. This collection is divided into a number of subject categories to facilitate browsing. You can also use the Search box on this Web site to locate GP-B scientific papers.
Go to Papers.

The Presentations page contains copies of slides used by Francis Everitt and various GP-B team members during seminar talks and lectures. The presentation slides are available in Microsoft PowerPoint and/or Adobe Acrobat (PDF) formats. They are grouped by presentation venue to facilitate browsing. You can also use the Search box to find presentations.
Go to Presentations.

The KACST page was set up to facilitate the exchange of documents and work in progress between the GP-B team and the Aeronautics & Astronautics Department at Stanford and collaborating researchers from the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia. These documents are grouped for browsing, and they are searchable.
Go to KACST.