Welcome to GP-B's archive page of Barron Storey's artwork. In 1987, Ross Barron Storey was approached by Stanford University and asked to create a series of art pieces for the project. Many of these were included in a beautiful 28-page brochure titled GRAVITY PROBE B - Testing Einstein with Orbiting Gyroscopes. The images from the brochure are laid out below. The text of the brochure can be read here. Click on the thumbnail pictures below to see the complete pictures.

You can learn more about this extraordinary artist by visiting his web site at http://www.barronstorey.com/. All of these images remain the property of the artist. Copying or reposting without the express permission of the artist is strictly forbidden. Please visit Barron Storey's site for questions concerning reprints.

satellite the satellite black hole a quasar and a black hole
dewar the project payload with labels satellite around earth the satellite in orbit
People of GP-B a collage of the different scientists and technicians who worked on the gyroscope technology gpb vehicle a collage of the different project tests
Making of the Gyros the four main steps in the manufacture of the gyros gyroscope a niobium-coated gyroscope rotor and its housing halves.
quartz block the quartz block relativity artwork representing the various efforts in space-time research
schiff Leonard Schiff and the project concept for GP-B squid representation of a magnetic field and a SQUID device
eye_hair.jpg illustrated example of 10 milliarcseconds einstein.jpg portrait of Albert Einstein for brochure's cover
QB_5tech.jpg the quartz block and spin-off technology