Curriculum Vitae
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Jean-Pierre Blaser
Paul Scherrer Institute
- 1941 - 47 Studies at University of Zurich and ETH in chemistry,
physics and astronomy
- 1948 Diploma in natural sciences. Diploma work in solid state physics
- 1948 - 52 Assistant of Prof. P. Scherrer at Physics Department of ETH
- 1952 Ph. D. in natural sciences of ETH-Zurich. Work on nuclear reactions and
accelerator technology
- 1952 - 55 Research associate at Carnegie Institute of Technology,
USA. Work in particle physics at the 440 Mev synchrocyclotron.
- 1955 - 60 Director of the Neuchbtel Observatory (Switzerland). Work
in position
astronomy and new time standard based on atomic clocks
- 1956 Assoc. professor of astrophysics at Neuchbtel University
- 1960 Full professor of physics at ETH-Zurich.
- 1962 - 72 Head ETH Institute of high energy physics Accelerator
development and
experiments at CERN
- 1968 - 87 Director of a new Research institution of the Board of ETH:
Institute for Nuclear Research SIN at Villigen.
Development and construction of a high current 600 MeV separated
sector cyclotron and experimental facilities for the "Meson factory"
- 1988 - 90 Director of the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, resulting from
the fusion of
SIN with EIR-W|renlingen (Federal Institute for Reactor Research).
- 1990 Retired from directorship of PSI and professorship at ETH
- 1991 - 92 Renewed teaching at ETH
- 1990 - Member Science team of joint ESA/NASA project STEP on general
relativity, chairman of European hardware group
- 1990 - Member European Study group for proton therapy
- 1993 - 96 Member of ESA Space Science Advisory Committee (SSAC).
and first chairman of the Fundamental Physics Advisory Group of ESA
- 1996 - Vice-chair of COSPAR Scientific Commission H (fundamental physics)
Special functions held at some time
- Scientific delegate of Switzerland in CERN Council
- Member of Scientific Policy Commitee of CERN
- President of the Swiss Physical Society
- Head of Physics Department ETH
- Dean of Mathematics and Physics at ETH
- President of Scientific Commission of Watch Industry Research Laboratory
- Member of NAC-Board of Foundation for Research Development, Republic of
South Africa
- Member of various commissions in Switzerland
- Dr. Honoris Causa University of Lausanne
- Dr. Honoris Causa University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
- Dr. Honoris Causa University of Geneva
- Dr. Honoris Causa University of Neuchbtel
- Honorary member of Physical Society Zurich
- Honorary member of the Swiss Physical Society
- Member at large Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Cancer Award of the Swiss Cancer League
- Prize of European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
- Foreign Associate of the Royal Society of South Africa